E21 Replace Ventilator Cowls

Our ventilator cowls are dull, scratched and dirty. After several tries at cleaning them, with various products, I decided to replace them. It seems not that much more expensive than buying an array of cleaning products! Anyway the starboard-side ventilator drips when it rains really hard, so I think the sealant may need attention.

Removed the old cowl to reveal a lot of green!

Removed the ventilator cover. Everything in here is a bit mouldy!

Giving it all a good clean with boat cleaner and water.

Removing the old sealant with our trusty can of Multisolve.

Refitted the ventilator mechanism with a good layer of new sealant. You can just see it around the edges.

Sealant applied to the cowl’s screw holes as well.

New cowls fitted. Looking good!

New covers for the ventilators on our boat are the ‘Plastimo Streamline Dorade Cover Only for P51637 P51654 51654’ supplied by Chas Newens Marine.