Portishead Visits

Thursday, 27 August 2020

The Allman boys (and some rain).

Ewan’s weather report.

Friday, 28 August 2020

Return of the competent crew – 11.6 NM day sail.

Saturday, 29 August 2020

Our special guest and Jono on board.

Dartmouth to Plymouth – Day 2

Day 2 – Saturday, 8 August 2020

Sailing to Plymouth

There was a bit of wind off Dartmouth, then it was calm and we motored across Start Bay. After rounding Start Point the wind improved and we sailed most of the rest of the way into Plymouth.

We stayed at the Plymouth Yacht Haven marina. A very sheltered mooring and good marina facilities; but there is not much in the neighbourhood. We walked over the hill into Turnchapel to get supplies and a Chinese take-away (which was fine) – but it is a bit of a run-down area.

Return from Portland – Day 1

A 7-day voyage bringing Molia back from Portland Marina to Portishead.

Day 1 – Friday, 7 August 2020

Portland to Dartmouth

Sunrise to sunset.

Molia in Darthaven Marina. We went to the Steam Packet Inn for dinner – excellent pizzas (and Covid precautions handled well). We sat upstairs with a great view of the marina. Recommended!