We made an early start and were around Land’s End by 0900. We followed our outbound track inside the Longships as conditions were good.

Conditions were more difficult once we had to face the NNE wind and waves up the west coast to Padstow. We had to tack the boat to prevent us being stopped by the waves, and this lengthened our day from 11 to 13 hours – so we were glad to round Trevose Head and reach Stepper Point.

As the tides were neaps, we had plenty of water in the river, so we went up the river to the anchorage opposite Saint Saviour’s Point (near where the channel to the town starts) and dropped the anchor for a rest, and to wait for high water.
I am very pleased to have helped Tim achieve one of his bucket list items – to sail round Land’s End.
Tuesday 31 August 2021

We had a well earned rest – as well as a couple more pasties! We changed crew in Padstow, with Mike replacing Tim for the final legs of the passage.